Contest rules


The Council of Sarthe is based on Place Aristide Briand in Le Mans (registration number 22720002900014) and organizes a free contest from the 7th of June - 12:00 until the the 27th of september 2024 - 12:00.
The Council of Sarthe organizes the 14th photo contest about the « world of automotive endurance » topic entitled Sarthe Endurance Photos.

The category involved are :

  • Day
  • Night
  • Atmosphere


This free contest is open to adults and to amateurs of 24 Hours of Le Mans race. The contest is open to amateur photographers, and to non-employees of Council of Sarthe.
People who do not match with the above conditions are excluded from the contest. Furthermore, any person who took part in the contest conception or organization cannot take part in the contest as well as their family or relatives.
Participants may be asked the above justifications and any person who do not match with these conditions or who refuse to justify will be excluded from the contest and will not get any prize.
Only one participation (same name, same address) is allowed. The organization can proceed to verification at any time in order to enforece this rule.
The following rule must be accepted to take part in the contest.

3/Terms of the contest

The contestants have to go to the following URL : 


Every contestant must register in order to create his account and take part to the contest. He thus can propose up to 9 pictures per person max.

Each participant will be able to submit 3 pictures per category 24h.

Pictures must be of such quality that they can be published and reproduced.The shooting spot must be quoted.

The submitted pictures must match with the following parameters to be granted :

  • The pictures must be « JPEG » and « PNG» files.
  • The pictures resolution must be 1920 x 1200 pixels maximum.
  • The pictures weight must be 3 Mega Octets maximum.
  •  Pictures cannot be assembled out of different pictures or be computed with software.

The chosen contestants will be asked afterwards the original high resolution pictures (300 dpi) in order for an exhibition.

This contest is reserved for :

  • amateurs of WEC championship races Monde WEC. Pictures must be taken out from accreditation areas.
  • non-employees of Council of Sarthe.

Each participant is prohibited from publishing or sharing any pornographic, racist or xenophobic photograph, as well as any photograph that is disparaging or likely to infringe in any way whatsoever on the image, privacy, honor, Reputation and / or consideration of any natural or legal person.

The organization expressly reserves the right to eliminate without justification any photograph considered in whole or part as not respecting the conditions of validity above stated or likely to harm its image. Each photograph is published under the sole responsibility of the participant.

The participant must complete the information form completely and correctly so that his or her registration is validated. The player is informed and accepts that the information entered in the registration form is proof of his identity.

Any participation made contrary to the provisions of this regulation will render participation invalid. Any participant suspected of fraud may be excluded from the competition by the organization without the latter having to justify it. Any incomplete, erroneous or illegible identification or participation, whether voluntarily or not, or carried out in a form other than that provided for in this Regulation shall be considered as void. The same sanction will apply in case of multi-participation.



See "Prizes" section.


5/Winners designation

The jury composed with professionals, photographers, journalists, motorsports professionals will chose the winners on a date defined according to the availability of its members . The pictures will be judged anonymously and ranked by votes.

The jury will be sensible with pictures showing the race ambiance, the audience and what happens nearby the race.

The Audience Award will be given after the counting of votes on the website

Date of designation: february 2025 - provisional date subject to change.

6/Winners Announced

  • The winners will be displayed on the contest website.
  • The winners will be informed by e-mail at the address indicated when registering for the contest.

7/Prizes Ceremony

A prizes ceremony will be organized in apri / may 2025. A part of the prizes will be delivered.

The tickets for Le Mans 24 Hours 2025 will be available in june 2025. The winners will be informed by email and they will need their identification to get their tickets.

Prizes will remain available for 15 days. After that period, it will no longer be available.

The winners cannot exchange their prizes or get money against their prize.

In case of unexpected events, the organization can replace the announced prizes with prizes of equivalent value.


8/Use of personal datas

The contestants personal datas are registered and used by the organization.

They can, for legal motive, be opposed to a process made on these datas. They can refuse a commercial use of their datas out of this contest and write to the organization to do so. The winners authorize the organization to use their name for an advertising purpose on any support and they cannot expect any payment for that.

According to the law (RGPD), any contestant can change, complete, update or delete information he is concerned with. To do so, the contestant has to write to the organization.


9/Contest Rule

The Contest rule has been deposited at SELARL ACTA - PIERSON et ASSOCIES titulaire d'un office d'huissier de justice domiciliée 15 rue de Sarre BP 15126 57074 METZ Cedex 3.

The contest rule can found on :

It can be mailed for free (stamp repaid on demand) to any person who as kit to the organization.

The organization can extend, shorten, modify or cancel the contest at any time without any compensation for the contestants. The modifying amendments will be deposited to SELARL ACTA - PIERSON et ASSOCIES titulaire d'un office d'huissier de justice domiciliée 15 rue de Sarre BP 15126 57074 METZ Cedex 3.


10/ Industrial and intellectual property

Reproduction or use of all or part of the components of the contest are strictly prohibited.

All the trademarks, logos, texts, pictures, videos displayed on the website are the property of their owners and are thus protected by the code of intellectual property. Unauthorized reproductions are a crime.

The following rule must be accepted to take part in the contest.



The responsability of the organization cannot be engaged in case of force majeure or unexpected events.

The organization cannot be blamed for delays, losts, thefts, damages due to mail services. The organization cannot be blamed for unexpected events (strike, bad weather).

The organization cannot be blamed for misuses of the prizes by the contestants.

The organization cannot be blamed for the lost or the theft of the prizes by the contestants. Any cost engaged to get the prize is under the responsability of the contestants and they cannot ask for any compensation for that.


12/Litigation and Claim

The following rule is under the French law.

The organization can decide for any problem with the following rule. No claim about prizes, results will be accepted one month after the end of the contest.

Except for obvious error, the following rule has probative value in any dispute due to connection or computer processing.

All claims must be mailed to the organization in the month after the end of the contest. After this date, no claim will be accepted. The following rule must be accepted to take part in the contest.


13/Convention Evidence

The files and computer systems of the organization will only faith by agreement between the contestant and the organization.

The records stored in the computer systems of the organization are reliable and safe conditions and can be considered as evidence of relationships and communications between the organization and the contestant.

The following elements can be considered as evidence : they can be produced in any litigation and are enforceable between the parties in the same way , under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any written document.

Operations of any kind made with a contestant account are assigned to the contestant responsability.

The contest rule has been deposited on the following website :